Accessibility & Services
The Ritz Theatre Company does not discriminate on the basis of disability in admission to, access to, treatment of or employment in, its services, programs or activities. The Ritz Theatre Company Board of Trustees endorses this nondiscriminatory policy. In a three-week time period, we will attempt to accommodate all requests to allow individuals with disabilities to participate in Ritz Theatre Company services, programs, and activities. The Ritz Theatre Company has a designated coordinator to facilitate compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA), as required by Section 35.107 of the U.S. Department of Justice regulations, and to coordinate compliance with Sections 504 and 508 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the New Jersey Law Against Discrimination. This is facilitated by regular sensitivity training sessions with staff and volunteers and close work with the ADA Self-Assessment Survey and Planning Tool by the ADA designated coordinator. The Board of Directors endorsed this plan in March 2010 and oversees the Employment practice, assuring that ADA and Non- Discrimination policies are followed as outlined by this plan. The plan is designed to remove barriers, whether programmatic or physical, which inhibit the full participation of people with disabilities.
• ADA accessible restrooms are available on the main floor for our patrons who cannot use the stairs.
• Assisted Listening Devices are available for all performances. Please ask a Staff member for assistance.
• Large Print Programs are available for all Mainstage performances.
• Braille Programs are available with a two-week notice. Call our Box Office at 856-288-3500.
• We are happy to accommodate service animals. If needed, please give the Box Office advance notice so we can arrange proper seating.
• Shadow interpreting performances are available certain times of the year.
• Audio Description and sensory tours are available certain times of the year. Check with the Box Office to learn if any of these performances are scheduled.
• Open Captioning is offered with every Mainstage show, the second Saturday at 3pm, tickets available online.
The Ritz Theatre Company is committed to both the spirit and the letter of the law of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Accordingly, we desire to resolve all ADA-related informal complaints and formal grievances in a reasonable, orderly and expeditious fashion. Therefore, the following grievance procedure is established to affect this policy.
Step One: When a patron has an ADA-related complaint, it will be brought to the attention of the House Manager on duty who will attempt to resolve it within the limits of his/her authority. If this does not occur, the patron will be referred to this Procedure, which will be conspicuously posted in the lobby area, and be advised of his/her rights to initiate a formal grievance.
Step Two: When a patron desires to file a formal grievance, the Producing Artistic Director/ADA Coordinator will meet with the patron. Such meeting will take place within a two week period and will happen at a place convenient to a patron with disabilities. The purpose of the meeting is to assist the patron in preparing a written description of the perceived violation of ADA requirements. The meeting is to be conducted in a positive fact-finding/problem-solving fashion and not in an adversarial fashion. The written grievance will include the following data: 1. The patron’s name, address, and telephone number. 2. A detailed description of what is perceived as a violation. This will include, as applicable, who was involved, where and when it happened (time/place). 3. What the patron believes should be done to resolve the problem. After the above written grievance is developed, a copy will be given to the patron and a copy sent to the President of the Ritz Board of Trustees. The Producing Artistic Director/ADA Coordinator will conduct any further investigation that may be warranted and will advise the patron of his/her decision in writing within 30 days of the date of the formal grievance. If an extension of this time is required, the patron will be so advised in writing. In the decision the patron will be advised that he/she has a right to appeal this decision to the Grievance Committee (Step Three) and if there is no appeal within 30 days the decision will be final and the matter considered resolved. A copy of the decision will be sent to the President of the Board of Trustees.
Step Three: The members of the Grievance Committee are: The Producing Artistic Director/ADA Coordinator and two Board members designated by the President of the Board of Trustees. They will meet to consider any appeal of the Step Two decision. This meeting will happen within a two weeks of the appeal. Other staff members of the Ritz may attend if their expertise is required but they are not to vote on the decision. The patron may meet with the Committee personally, as he/she may elect, and explain why the matter remains unresolved. The Grievance committee will prepare a findings and decision letter. The decision should take into account the following considerations: validity of the complaint, what circumstances created the condition, were these standard or unusual conditions, should policy be revised or a new policy established, mitigating factors, resources needed to resolve the problem. This decision will be sent to the patron and will become an agenda item for the next full Board of Trustees meeting. The matter will then be concluded unless implementation, funding, follow-up or similar issues cause it to remain open. If the patron desires periodic updates, they will be provided until the matter is then concluded.
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